Art in the Stars Hero

How to Enter


Only teachers, parents, or legal guardians may register to submit artwork on behalf of their students. You must be at least 18 years old to register.

You'll need to enter your first name, last name, username, a valid email address, confirmation that you are the student's teacher, parent, or legal guardian, and that you are 18 years of age or older. You must also accept the contest terms and conditions.

Please see the Entry Rules for further information.

Confirm Your Account Within 72 Hours

Once you have registered, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your account. Artwork will not be accepted, and logins will not function until you have confirmed your account via a valid email address. If you do not see a confirmation email within 10 minutes after registering, be sure to check your spam box in case the confirmation email was delivered there. Accounts that are not confirmed within 72 hours will automatically be cleared from the system, requiring you to re-register.

Gather Student Artwork

All artwork must be submitted as a digital file, saved in either .jpg or .png format. File size must be no larger than 10MB. File dimensions must be at least 2,400 pixels wide by 2,400 pixels tall. Note: The image does not need to be square. The narrowest measurement must meet the minimum size requirements.

We’ll also need your student’s name, age range, country, and state or province for each submitted piece of art.

Submit Student Artwork

Go to the Artwork Submission page to upload your student’s art.

We review each piece of art before it’s published on the website. This process could take up to three (3) days (72 hours) to complete. Check the “My Uploads” page to see if your submitted entries have been approved.